Product: https://www.climatesciencealliance.org/rise 

Role: Curator

Client(s): Climate Science Alliance, 2019 Southwestern Tribal Climate Change Summit

Artform: Art Exhibition

Collaborators: Amanda Gormon, Roland Rollinmud, Tomaso Marcolla, Troy Schalge, Adi Khen,  Lia Suprunenko, Elaine Zhang, Lee Baek, Nahyun Sung, Silin Huang , Di Bo, Seoyen Lee, Veronica Faulks, Rachel Welch,  Judith Toepel, Huellas Volcánicas, Audrey Carver, Joan Green, Climate Kids Tribes

Description: Over the last few years we have witnessed first hand the dramatic impacts of our changing climate. Devastating wildfires, drought, and extreme heat events have ravaged our natural landscapes and threatened our human communities. However, In the midst of catastrophe – there is hope. Ecosystems withstand and adapt, communities come together, from the ashes – we rise.

In collaboration with partners of the 2019 Southwestern Tribal Climate Change Summit, RISE - an exhibition of incredible artists that celebrate resilience and overcoming insurmountable odds in the face of our changing climate, was curated. 

The RISE exhibition highlighted over 35 pieces from 15 talented youth, adult, and community artists. Artists were asked to provide pieces that represented what resilience means to them. Each piece had an important story to tell and together their message was one of hope. 


Resilient Roots


The EcoLogik Project